Add Somfy to Your Home and Business

Automation is rapidly changing the way we live and behave across so many different sectors of our lives.

It only seems appropriate that we welcome the time and energy savings of automation into our homes.

Read on to learn how you can implement Somfy automation into your home and business, and reap the benefits today!

The Convenience of Somfy

Let's face it, windows are a bit bland without curtains and blinds. Everyone can see in and even if you do have window furnishings it can take a considerable amount of energy to raise and lower them each time you want privacy or to see the view.

If you have large rooms with big windows this time can quickly multiply and if you’re complacent, you’ll soon get used to keeping the blinds closed or open almost persistently. What a drag when it’s possible to automate blinds and curtains to go up or down at the touch of a button!

Remote-Controlled Shade

Remote-controlled window coverings have all the same benefits as traditional blinds and curtains, plus the added ease and convenience of being able to open or close them all instantaneously with the push of a button. It no longer takes a long time or substitutes for arm day at the gym and they are available for both homes and businesses.

Sensor-Controlled Shade

When you’re in the office, it can be tough to continuously adjust the blinds to stop the sunlight getting in your eyes. By adding sun, temperature or wind sensors to your blinds, they will automatically open, close or adjust to keep you comfortable all day long.

These sensors are the perfect solution to office woes where nobody knows quite who is responsible for these decisions either. Better yet, they will adjust with precision, creating unity throughout the building.

Automated Shade

Sometimes we wish that our blinds could do all the hard work for us. With Somfy, it’s absolutely possible. By setting a schedule on Somfy’s automation solution, Connexoon Window RTS, your blinds will open and close automatically without you having to lift a finger!

Enjoy being woken up peacefully by gentle sunlight in the morning, and arriving home to privacy after work. Your window coverings will do all the hard work for you!

Voice-Controlled Shade

For the complete smart-home experience, you can even operate your window coverings using voice control. Just got home and have your hands full of groceries? No problem! Ask your Google Assistant or Amazon Alexa to trigger a scenario you have pre-set in IFTTT, and watch your home spring into action. It’s that easy!

Obtain A Quote

If Somfy automation is something you’re interested in for your home or business, obtain a quote online today.

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